About Us
About Women4Cyber
Women4Cyber is a non-profit European private foundation with the objective to promote, encourage and support the participation of women in the field of cyber security.

Women4Cyber Denmark’s is established with an aim to create a more diverse and inclusive Danish cyber security industry.
Women4Cyber Denmark aims to:
Contribute towards a more equal gender representation in education within or relating to cyber security.
Actively influence to a more equal and inclusive gender ratio in the cyber security domain and the job market.
Support companies towards creating a more inclusive workspace for women that will become self-sustained on the long term.
Foster women’s knowledge of, and interest in professions within or related to cyber security as a discipline.
Empower women in transitioning to cyber.

Meet the Board

Bianca Buznean
Founder and President

Dea Lillelund
Vice President and Operations Lead

Martine Kile Søyland
Communication and Social Media Lead

Andreea-Maria Gabor
Board Member

Susanna Forti
Board Member

Rune Espensen
Board Member

Thomas Wearing
Board Member

Our Values
- Cooperation: We cooperate with all entities, private and public and we seek consensus.
- Ethical behaviour: We act in good faith and with due care and diligence to promote a culture of fair and ethical behaviour.
- Integrity: We maintain our integrity by honesty, professional courtesy, mutual respect and though fairness in all relations.
- Equality: Women4Cyber Denmark is committed to encourage equal opportunity in employment, based solely upon individual merit and qualifications directly related to professional competence.
- Transparency: Women4Cyber Denmark strive towards full transparency in all instances, within the limits of the respect of personal dignity, in compliance with the data protection legislation. We embrace the principles of openness, clear communication and accountability to ensure information transparency, financial transparency and accountability.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Women4Cyber Denmark abide by the principles of diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination in all collaborations, actions and activities carried out by the association in the public, private and academic sectors. We nurture a climate of respect, mutual trust and cooperation.